
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday Deal of the Week!!

Click TenMarks a Amazon Company is offering up an amazing deal right now for all those parents and students who want to get ahead this summer or continue learning. This math program is offered for kids 1st grade through high school and the cost is normally $39.95 per child. Right now they are offering this program completely FREE!!!! You better hurry and sign up - you can also add a child for free.
Once signed up the site gives your child a unique user id and password to log on and take an assessment. The assessment is 20 questions and it let's your child know their score at the end. TenMarks then creates a curriculum for your child based on their assessment. You can also create rewards for your child as incentives to complete X number of assignments however many you delegate.
B completed her assessment last night and even wanted to play a flash card type game after she completed the assessment. I set her goal at completing 15 assignments with a score of 70% or higher for a reward of ice cream.
What a great tool to keep your child learning and growing over the summer!!
Fill out a short registration page and your child's information.
Check your email to complete your registration.
Log your child on to take the assessment.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Happy Summertime my friends! I hope you are enjoying your summers and relaxing on these hot days! In the next 7 short weeks before Miss B heads back to school we are trying to get many things accomplished. This month I started fitness goals for myself and am ensuring that I am sticking to them. We are also trying to decide on the best little summer weekend getaway to take in July.
Fitness Goals for June 2014:
1. No less than 6,000 steps logged on Jawbone App.
2. Complete the 14 day AB Challenge
3. Do a quick workout at least 4 times a week in addition to the AB Challenge.
4. Make sure to burn more calories than you consume.
Yep, all of those goals for June! I'm pretty proud of myself thus far, we're 17 days into June and I've made sure to keep a strict watch on #1 and #4. I'd be lying if I said I didn't slip a few times but keeping myself accountable is what I'm most looking to gain from this goal. I'm looking to amp up goals 2 and 3 in these last 2 1/2 weeks.
What are your June goals?
For my birthday this year I decided not to do a big bash like I normally do with friends. I've decided instead to take a trip with my love and possible include B in that trip as well. I've had some recent trouble in the B watching front so I've had to adjust my trip plans accordingly. The original plan was to make a trip down to New Orleans for a weekend getaway with R and some much needed fun for the both of us. We have been dating for a year now and have never gone on a weekend getaway, yikes!! After the trouble with finding reliable sitters for B though we may have to nix that plan all together. I'm more than happy to bring B along but New Orleans is more for an adult weekend.
So if we cannot find anyone to stay with B for one night then I have decided that we will go to Six Flags in St. Louis; making this our 2nd trip to a big amusement park this year. Hey might as well do it big right? It would be more expensive but I also know it would be so much fun for everyone too.
So there is our official summer dilemma - what should we do? Comment below with your vote.